Bert about criticism of the Hitler parable


In an interview with News24 on Friday, Skaraprofilen and former New Democracy politician Bert Karlsson said:

– The persecution that Hitler underwent at different times of his time is the same today. Then there were the Jews, today it is the SD.

Bert Karlsson later apologized by posting a post on his Berts World Facebook page, citing his announcement that SD was intimidated by other political parties.

"It was a bit hard, but it depends on how to read the wording," he told the Skaraborg County newspaper on Monday.

The quotation about the resemblance between Jews and Hitler has been sharply criticized, notably because of the linguistic pipes of the environmentalist party Gustav Fridolin and the leader of the liberal party Jan Björklund.

Bert Karlsson does not attach much importance to criticism and believes that both are blocking the democratic conversation. He believes that the other seven parliamentary parties should listen to SD and respect the fact that nearly one million Swedes voted for this party.

– They are told that they are racist, Nazi and fascist. Should one million Swedes be it? Other parties need to start talking about trade policy with SD, says Bert Karlsson to SkLT.

Read the full article on the Skaraborg County Newspaper here.

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