Bigpraters suspected to move to the celebrity advocate


29-year-old defense lawyer Lars Engstrand chose to leave his mission because there was "a potential conflict of interest" after his submission to the Blekinge District Court. What this conflict of interest is, he does not want to comment.

– We decided that lawyer Thomas Martinson takes over and that's what I have to say, says Lars Engstrand

Thomas Martinson has already been known as a defender in several Larger goals – including one of the commissioners of Stureplan and Jonas Falk, who was suspected of being the leader of a drug smuggling goal in what was calling himself Operation Playa. He is also a defender of one of two Blekinge warriors suspected of operating an amphetamine factory in a restaurant kitchen in Karlskrona.

– It is true that I have taken over the case, but I have not even understood it yet. He called a number from Morocco earlier today, but I was in negotiation and I could not answer, I have not spoken to the customer yet, said Thomas Martinson.

Made poor in prison

The 29-year-old suspect was arrested at the end of November last year in Morocco, and is now deprived of liberty in El Arjat prison in the capital Rabat.

According to the bill of costs that former defender Lars Engstrand presented, his condition has deteriorated badly since he was arrested. In a telephone conversation in April, 29-year-old describes the situation in prison as "unsustainable." It also seems that the 29-year-old man was reluctant to be released in Sweden until February.

– I do not comment, says Lars Engstrand, former defense lawyer

In total, Lars Engstrand claims 331,918 SEK compensation, including for three visits to Morocco 29 years.

Next week, 29- the year will be published in Sweden. Then an important judicial procedure awaits, and in the Hovrätten in Malmö, a former prison sentence, and further investigation into fraud 96 involving a total of 85 million SEK that the man is suspected.

The 29-year-old man denies crimes and thinks everything is about business investment failure.

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