Biljakt in Grästorp – Police warns of the explosion


A police saw a wanted man and a car hunt began in Grästorp.

When the police arrested the man, he said that there were explosives and gas bottles in the car

Peter Adlersson to the police

It was 17:30, when a vacant police force has recognized a wanted man in Grästorp.

The man then sat in a car and ran away from the square.

1 of 2 | Photo: Patrick Klasson

The police bomb robot is in place.

Several patrols were alerted and finally saw the car. The man refused to stay and a shorter hunt started

– We will stop later at County Road 186, and about that, he will swallow a lot of what he says to be from Heroin, "said Peter Adlersson.

– He also says that there are explosives and gas cylinders in the car, then we freeze the situation around the car


A national rescue, rescue and ambulance bomb is sent to the scene.We take everything seriously and assume that it is dangerous before knowing anything else. Under control, objects were found in the car, but the police do not go inside and take a closer look, without letting the bombs guard investigate, "said Peter Adlesson

. and left, they can not tell if the objects were dangerous or not so long as they did not test everything

During the operation, the entire roadblock was blocked and nearby houses evacuated

– It is now safe on the site.

Find flying in the car

When the bomb group examined the car, other barges were also made.

– We took the car and removed it because we found a lot of theft.

Initially, a preliminary inquiry was opened on violations of flammable and explosive items

– There are also other crimes, but that is what we have now filed

L & # 39; man was rushed to hospital with an ambulance. 19659004] – He is there for control because he said that he swallowed a lot of heroin, but we were able to talk to him.

Three titles – July 26 00:29

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