Björkegren: "Then I did a little inside" – CFL –


The year was a great year for Kim Björkegren at the CFL, where he led the team to the SM's third gold medal and took her to the quarter-finals of the Champions League.

"The season was quite heavy because we lost a lot of players before and during the season, I was also very lonely as a new coach without a solid assistant coach, despite the fact that I loved both coaches alternatively, but I'm proud of the time for myself and for the team, we won the series with 8 points and 16 points in the Champions League, and Kim Björkegren, head of the sport, is very proud of his appearance.

At the end of the season, he had several ideas for developing the organization and breaking new ground with Linköping. However, he did not receive a response, which led to a dialogue between him and the CFL. Either Björkegren would have been right after the club or club settled after him. Instead, the solution became that he had to leave his mission.

"Most people in Linköping have liked me and I think the environment is nice, we had a good jargon with a lot of ideal people who drew a heavy girl." But I felt that I needed to be able to be more influential when I imagined that a spiral went wrong, and when ideas were not greeted with a positive response, I thought a little inside. I did not believe in 2018 the way they wanted, and other clubs were interested in me, so I could be a little bit hard, take a break and look around and then continue.

"Now, I feel that I was right in my case, I think somewhere that some people may feel it after, but now it's like that.

One of the criticisms that circulated as one of the reasons he was allowed to quit his job was his focus too much on results and not on individual success and development. Something that Björkegren confirms – and also represents.

"The reason is that I want to win, otherwise I would not have played senior football but I would have been a youth coach, and I will never change it." elite, that is the only data, then you can of course work differently, for example in F19, or hire an assistant coach who will help you identify the individual details.I myself ask the typical Swedes that the If you win every game, it means the performance is pretty good, "he says.

After Linköping and he separated, he received offers from several clubs. The election was finally over at BG Phoenix FC, a Chinese club in Beijing. It has become an adventure for him, both privately and professionally, as a professional football coach.

"When you were little and dug into the sandbox, someone said," If you dig long enough, you will come to China. "My six-year-old thought," how strange are they going there? "And a little bit, it's actually, they do not go the same way, do not read the same way and do not play football the same way.There is a fan no similarity, says Kim Björkegren and laughs.

It develops:

"Football was difficult and I was expecting a certain level, in terms of technology and skills, the players are better than the Swedish players, but the game and the tactics are worse, it was a challenge.

During the summer, another knowledge of the CFT is installed in the Beijings – Marija Banusic troupe. The striker, who had little time to play Linköping, chose to leave for the Chinese club.

"During the summer, we needed a player who could be with last month and I knew that Marija was not allowed to play so much in the CFL. At the same time, I know exactly she was both playful and humane and when I arrived here, I knew I did not need a transportation distance to know its particularities, "Björkegren says.

How was she then?

"At first, we noticed that she was not as well trained as when I had her at CFL Marija is as she is and always has a skin on her nose, but she did not have the natural flow It was noticed that she was influenced by what had been, we had to have her train intensively and she had to land a bit, but it got better and she finished very well.

After the adventure you have been now. What do you think of the future?

"Before this year, I had three goals: a real international adventure, a national team or return to M. If I had to add something, it would be to take a real better team in Europe if I continue on the ladies side I am always here if I do not choose to extend Beijing.

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