Björklund: We are a party | Gothenburg after


For Stefan Löfven, the European elections are aimed at determining whether the Union should go against democracy or against division and extremism.

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What scares him the most is that extremism prevails.

Now it is important that everyone votes and votes, he said under an umbrella after voting at the Stockholm Riksdag.

The weather can record, he believes.

It must not be too good or too bad. But now it is ending enough for it to rain, he says before continuing his campaign to Skärholmen, south of Stockholm.

"Very brown met"

Just south of Skärholmen in Botkyrka, Swedish Democrats and party leader Jimmie Åkesson are elected. He tells TT that he feels a little nervous, but also hopeful, now that it's election day.

It feels good after the measurements. I guess we are increasing with at least one warrant, maybe two. And of course, it would be a success.

The big party opponent in this choice is the couch, he says.

That's if voters stay at home instead of going to vote.

The electoral movement thinks it's been intense, though brief.

But it was also pretty dirty. You can say very little political content. Very dirty and brownish. It's a bit boring, actually.

"Solemn and important"

In a completely different neighborhood of the capital, in the residential suburb of Bromma, the Liberals voted Jan Björklund with his wife Anette Brifalk.

It is solemn and important. I hope for a strong participation, he says.

TT: Liberals risk losing their mandate, are you worried?

Not the least. We are a pressure group with regard to election day and, in the last three days, when people decide, many people in Sweden think that the EU is important and we are also the party clearer for the EU.

According to Björklund, the horror scenario is that the forces that want to "crush and destroy" the EU are going from the front.

If everyone was doing like Britain, Europe would split up.

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