Boat exploded in Stora Essingen


A boat is suspected of having exploded in the water near Stora Essingen in Stockholm

Three people were forced to jump into the water but remained untouched.

– This seems like a powerful process, says Carina Skagerlind to the police. The alarm arrived Thursday at 12:34

A pleasure boat began to burn in the water between Långholmen and Stora Essingen in Stockholm

Several readers testify that a loud noise was heard when the fire broke out. Both Sjöpolis and the rescue service were alerted to the place.

– I only know that a boat should have exploded and that it should have been a powerful process. According to Carina Skagerlind, at the police management center, the rescue service is on its way to the divers.

1 of 3 | Photo: Rosa Sundahl

High bang was heard

Even strong smoke and naked flames appeared on the pictures of the place.

– The boat should have started burning in the water. I do not know if it exploded. We are here with the Coast Guard and water spray, "says Jesper Vestling at the Storstockholm Rescue Service.

Hops in the water

Three people who were aboard the boat jumped into the water because of the incident but were picked up bypassing the boats

All the world should be intact, telling the police. 19659016] 00:29

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