Bus accident on Götaälvbron – two at the hospital | Gothenburg after


The alarm arrived just after 23:00 on Saturday night. As a result, a bus and a taxi were involved.

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The emergency services were set up early and mainly helped the ambulance that led the efforts.

Initially, three people were sent to the hospital. At 12:45, however, the police said that it was about two people.

"According to my information, they should be seriously injured," said Magnus Nordqvist, chief officer of police in the western region.

According to the police, the taxi is seized. It is not yet clear whether to open a criminal investigation.

– The potential investigator can examine it. He makes a decision when he gets the complete picture.

Stop on the site

Police were in place with three units, according to Commander Magnus Nordqvist.

"But it should be really slow, we contacted the Swedish Transport Agency to try to get us some road salt.

Independent photographer Oscar Magnusson can confirm that there was a stop on the spot.

"It was difficult to get on deck." I grabbed the railing because it was really frozen, he said.

What is behind the accident is not clear yet. Oscar Magnusson spoke to a woman sitting on the bus.

– She told me that the bus started to slip then that it was just dropped.

Traffic in Götaälvbron was closed due to rescue work. Shortly after midnight, Västtrafik announced that the traffic was again operational. However, it is possible to expect persistent delays in public transport to and from Hisingen.

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