Bus driver sued by train driving school shuttle during court proceedings


It is in April 2017 that the bus left the road and overturned in Härjedalen. There were young people from the municipality of Mark on a ski trip to the mountains. Three young people died and several were injured in the accident.

Last Wednesday, the lawsuit was opened and the bus driver is accused of suspecting, among other things, the death of another.

The bus driver should not have broken the rules regarding driving time and rest, but the prosecutor believes that the accident is mainly caused by the fatigue of the man, which the bus driver denies.

Refuses to commit a crime

Instead, it means that the road conditions are bad.

– I was not tired. It's not possible to be tired when you have to pair up all the time. We can not relax at all, he said during the court proceedings.

While the lawsuit is underway, the man must now be on duty again and drive a school bus to a municipality in western Sweden, writes the newspaper Borås.

Driving a school bus

The man should have said during his police interrogation that he had been decided not to drive with passengers during the preliminary investigation and that he did not want to do so either. But would have changed now.

In a postal response to the newspaper, the bus company wrote that the man himself wanted to start working again and that he had resumed service after a medical examination and that he had received fire green of a psychologist. Something that has also received support from the union and the social insurance fund.

– We believe that the employer has confidence in him and it is a general opinion that no one can be tried until you are found guilty by a court, says Yvonne Chevallerau, Ombudsman of the union from BT to BT.

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