Business leader arrested in a hunting quarrel | Terrestrial forestry


A well known company leader, linked to the forest industry suspected of hunting, is arrested by the Västmanland District Court.

Even two other men suspected of being involved in this case were arrested. Everyone denies crimes.

The manager is probably suspected of serious hunting and probably serious hunt. He denies the crimes.

"His attitude is that he has not committed any crime related to hunting," said lawyer Sven Severin at TT yesterday.

Two other men were arrested during the morning, one of them for driving rough. He is arrested on reasonable suspicion, which is the lowest level of suspicion and means that the prosecutor has seven days to return to the district court with stronger evidence. He also denies crimes.

"I think that the evidence is slim and that the request of the prison would have been rejected," says Per Svedlund's lawyer at TT.

Another man was arrested for probable suspicion of hunting and preparation. Even he denies the crimes.

In total, five men are believed to be involved in a crime in prison in Västmanland. According to the prosecutor, these crimes concern the killing of wolves, lynx and large eagles.

The other two are suspected, for example, serious hunting offenses, preparation of serious offenses of hunting and corruption, serious crimes. It means spreading a poison that could be dangerous for animals or plants.

Yesterday, talks were held with one of these men. The district court ruled that the man would not be arrested and that the arrest warrant would be lifted.

READ MORE: Five people arrested for hunting – suspected industry leaders

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