BUTTON in July: S and M down, MP out, SD up


The trends of last spring will continue. Sweden's Democrats reach the highest list as far as SKOP. Social Democrats and moderates are in a downward spiral

In percentage terms, there are significant changes for many parties, but the results of SKOP are in line with what other measures have shown. summer.

9 percent, while Swedish Democrats record their highest ever SKOP score of 20.7 percent.

However, the most moderate declines to this extent, totaling 3.7 percentage points.

In addition to SD, V and C go from the front. This means that the parties that most want to open the borders and those who want the tightest restrictions are both going to public opinion.

Neither the deputy nor the KD can handle the barrier in parliament. The other parties are losing their support and have been cut in half since the last measure.

SKOP's new Psychiatric Choice Barometer was conducted between June 20 and July 21, 2018, when approximately 1,200 Swedes between the ages of 18 and 84 were interviewed. SKOP asked the question "Which political party do you prefer in national politics?"

SKOP in June / July (May)
Social Democrats 25.9 (-0.4)
] Swedish Democrats 20.7 (+1.7)
Moderators 19.2 (-3.7)
Left Party 10.3 (+2.7)
Center Party 10.1 (+1.1)
Liberals 4.9 (+0, 4)
Party of the Environment 3.5 (-1.0)
Christian Democrats 3.3 (+0.8)
Other Parties 2.1 (-1 7) [19659011]! function (f, b, e, w, n, t, p)
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