Carl Bildt fights for Anna Maria Corazza Bildt's wife


Fights for a place on the list in the European elections

Carl Bildt fights for Anna Maria Corazza Bildt's fight for a seat in the European Parliament.

On Twitter, he also shares the view that moderates are struggling to find strong women in the party and that it is a strange decision to pet his wife.

"The party wants me because they have not invested in the European elections, they want to punish the one who has helped them the most, from the top to the bottom, support me", said Corazza Bildt.

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt does not give up the hope of staying in the European Parliament. Although she is not on the list of moderates, she hopes to show up when the party's council decides on the issue in a month.

"I do not think I belong to the band lost, I feel that I am a force for moderates.There are many in the nominating committee, she said.

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Carl Bildt and Anna Maria Corazza Bildt. Stock Photography.

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, where the moderate garnered the highest number of personal votes in the 2014 European elections, received the second highest number of personal votes. For the elections next year, she has no chance to register because she is not on the list.

– They totally kicked me out, it never happened in the evening. It's a sign that I'm a burden for the party, she says.

Strange decision

The moderators' decision not to include Anna Maria Corazza Bildt on the list has provoked many reactions to social media. Carl Bildt, former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and the man of Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, took part in the debate.

Carl Bildt shared several entries that the wife is missing from the list. Among these, one of the moderate women with the text "Anna Maria still has the confidence of the woman mother to be our first name in the European Parliament".

Carl Bildt also shared an article from Aftonbladet's political editor, Anders Lindberg. Lindberg wrote: "M's election committee made a rather strange decision to completely overthrow Anna Maria Corazza Bildt and not allow her to pursue personal elections and compete with other candidates. so are afraid of … competition.

Former ministers express their support

In his own speech, Carl Bildt writes: "At least it's a great prize for originality to want to remove a person from a list because it may be selected." It's usually the opposite . "

Former ministers Sven Otto Littorin, who writes himself on Facebook, and Anders Borg, who endorses the post of Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, are also expression.

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt is grateful for any support.

"There are a lot, from top to bottom, from across the country who support me, people listen and say they want to keep me, it shows that I've raised issues that concern people." .

"The party leadership must take a stand"

The chairman of the nominating committee, Erik Langby, motivated the decision that M had made a bad election in the EU in 2014 and that it was time to pick up new parliamentarians. The decision is formally called on November 23 when the party council meets. Then new candidates can be proposed by representatives with the right to vote.

"Now it's up to members to say what they think, party leaders must also take a stand, they can put me on the list, and we do not usually throw out a good candidate who has done a good job. 'has never happened in the history of the party,' said Anna Maria Corazza Bildt.

Aftonbladet searched for Carl Bildt.

They have been moderator party leaders over the years 1:14

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