Certified State Scientist S: This is an accessible route to Löfven


Yesterday left the central part present a series of requirements to release Stefan Löfven (S) during the Prime Minister's poll next week, and today announced Jan Björklund that the Liberals will also present a list of requirements to let Löfven go.

Ulf Bjereld, a political scientist graduated from the University of Gothenburg, believes that the message of the center party and the liberals opened to Stefan Löfven.

"Now there is an accessible path, an opening that did not exist before," said Bjereld, president of the Social Democratic Party for Faith and Solidarity and deputy member of the executive committee of S.

"Balance possible but difficult"

But apart from the C and L lists, Löfven will also negotiate with the Party of the Environment and ask the Left Party to let him out. Is it possible?

"Balance is possible but difficult, and it is not safe at all," says Ulf Bjereld.

It is clear, however, that Björklund is ready to negotiate, Bjereld said.

"Björklund was clear on the fact that you can not go through everything, it's a wish list, and so is Lööf, even though she chose to formulate more ultimate words. it is important for her to protect her legitimacy from the electoral groups who supported her during the elections.

"Common interest that nobody seems to be losing"

Even though they may have had difficulty meeting on several issues, the Social Democrats, the Center Party and the Liberals have common forces to succeed, Bjereld said.

– They have a common interest that nobody seems to appear as a loser. Certainly, one may wish to appear as a qualified negotiator and that the counterparty is a loser, but that would weaken the agreement.

The message from the Liberals and the center party represents the biggest step forward towards a new government since the election, according to Bjereld.

– It's definitely. Because if it does not work, what will happen next? Then there is the additional choice that comes back and many parties are not interested.

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