Change of power in Emmaboda – Barometer


The new chairmanship of the municipal council was elected Monday evening, from left to right Ann-Marie Fagerström (S), first vice-president, Bo-Eddie Rossbol (BA), president and Göran Andersson (C), second vice-president.

Photo: Peter Lejon

The new chairmanship of the municipal council was elected Monday evening, from left to right Ann-Marie Fagerström (S), first vice-president, Bo-Eddie Rossbol (BA), president and Göran Andersson (C), second vice-president.

There will be a change of power in the municipality of Emmaboda. Monday night, Bo-Eddie Rossbol, Best Option, was elected chairman of the city council.

The city's first mandate meeting attracted a large audience to the Dacke Hall of the Emmaboda People's House.

The first part of the meetings was constitutive. Then the presidency of the assembly was elected. The uncertain political situation when the Alliance (C, M and KD) plus the best option has 18 mandates, as much as the reddish, and that the Swedish Democrats have five mandates does not give their own majority to any of the pages. Therefore, the election of the chairman of the city council was mainly decisive to know which party would form a minority government over the next four years.

Bo-Eddie Rossbol, president since 2006, but also for S, was running for president of the alliance. He was sent to the red-green city council candidate Ann-Marie Fagerström (S). The election was held at the end of the vote when each MP expressed his voice in a special box.

Three voters were appointed and, when the vote was taken, it was found that Rossbol had 23 votes and Fagerström 16. Two blank voices had been heard and indicted by Nicke Grozdanovski and Camilla Holgersson. According to Grozdanovski, cooperation with S was suspended Monday afternoon. We will come back with more information about this.

The five SD deputies voted for Rossbol.

Fagerström has been appointed Senior Vice President and Göran Andersson (C) has been elected Vice President.

Rossbol was also elected chairman of the parliamentary elections committee and vice president Jarkko Pekkala (S).

– It's edifying. I feel strong support from my new comrades. After 24 years of social democracy, I think it's useful to change. It seems that voters have wished, said Rossbol. Last spring, S left after 30 years to drop the list of constituencies for the best option before the elections.

At the next general assembly at the end of November, the president will be elected, among others, to the municipal council and to other committees.

Johan Jonsson (C) is the candidate of the Alliance and should be elected. It becomes the new municipal council of the municipality.

"The results of this meeting are good and I look forward with confidence," commented Jonsson.

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