Charges of deception and corruption against the Gothenburg railways | Gothenburg after


Seven whistleblowers reported the Gothenburg roads through the municipality's whistleblowing function, reports SVT West. Two of the notifications, also shared by generalists, concern a specific manager. He claims to have hired his best friend for a service, without being announced by the company.

"The boss has repeatedly failed to follow the policy of the city of Gothenburg without resorting to threats and oppression," writes the notifier.

Gothenburg Railways managing director Hugo Lepik received the current notifications in June and July. He started working in the company on May 21st.

– I did not know it before, but it's of course not good, he says.

You Want to Have the Cards on the Table

The Others The reports are according to SVT West, for example, poorly understood contracts, and managerial incentives.

– The ambition is now to raise all the cards on the table, without blackening anything or being close to it. Otherwise, we can not get better, says Hugo Lepik.

The charges are now being reviewed by an outside company. At the same time, the Gothenburg tracks promise to investigate internally what happened in this case. Notifiers mention that they tried to remedy the deficiencies in the company earlier without having an audience.

"Even after an anonymous letter to the board of directors of the Gothenburg Railways in previous years, stating that any misconduct (…) was followed by the company" writes a notifier.

"Something to work internally"

Gothenburg Railways CEO, Hugo Lepik, says he looks forward to the whistleblower function of the municipality

– Then, I think It's a pity, sad and sad that our employees choose to go for example, and tell me how that is.

Notifiers mention that they tried to report the deficiencies internally, without response?

– That's what I find unfortunate. If so, we have something to work internally. We will have an open and good climate where we will work with confidence and will do our best to route the traffic to Gothenburg, "says Lepik

On August 10, the Gothenburg tracks will leave an answer to the office of the administration Whether on the scale or not, we may be able to leave sooner or ask for more time if something needs to be resolved, "says Hugo Lepik.

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