"Child marriage must be discovered before" – P4 Östergötland


– We have many cases where it even seems that the mother who is a paternal grandmother is also a stepmother and that the girl becomes pregnant, says Juno Blom, who works on the government's mission to the violence and oppression

that married children are not always found upon arrival in Sweden

– Child marriage cases we know in cases where Sweden came as an unaccompanied child, in cases where the child or adult was told, she said.

– We do not ask questions about routine, we really do not know how many cases there are in Sweden. And we have not done what we think we need to do to make sure that similar things do not happen.

Juno Blom thinks that is above all the Council for Migration and also the municipal social services that do not do enough Find unaccompanied children who are married.

The Migration Board has previously stated that it is asking questions about marital status at the time of asylum. And it is up to the municipal social services to investigate other children's needs.

Single girls have increased in proportion since 2016 and now are about 24% of children arriving in Sweden without care.

A study conducted by the National Council of Health and Welfare shows that many single girls are placed in so-called network families where children know or know the parents of the family.

– We share the absolute concern that children come to Sweden and are married and not perceptible, absolutely, says Petra Rinman, Head of Unit at the National Center for Health and Social Welfare for Children and young adults.

– We already saw in the spring of 2017 that there were a lot of problems when children were placed in networked families, because many families were not themselves integrated into society Swedish. This means that we have taken the initiative to start working on how we can support social services in their important work to place children in network families.

But although the social services would find a girl who said is alone in Sweden, in fact, is married, according to the confidentiality laws, you can not inform, for example, the Swedish Migration Board in this subject.

Juno Blom thinks that the issue of child marriages for unaccompanied should be clarified by all those who have girls to do. Today, some child marriages are only known when the girl is pregnant, she says.

– We turn to us when the girl is pregnant and realize that the home network is a home where she lives with her adult husband. that you knew about it.

– If we access it, we must ask clear questions about the routine already at the first reception, and then it must be followed. That my child should have the right to be protected, I want to apply it to all children, and I think we have failed, "says Juno Blom.

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