Coast Guard: "We suspect the damage is serious"


Tuesday morning, the Västervik Coast Guard held a staff meeting to discuss further work on the carrier of Makassar Highway

– We suspect that the ship suffered serious damage because it reached the speed of 14 knots said Pär-Åke Eriksson, director of the Coast Guard at Västervik

During the night and the morning until Tuesday, work began to find out if oil tankers had fled oil [19659002] – You think of thoughts and nothing indicates leakage for so long. Pär-Åke Eriksson

Continuation of work during the day

In the afternoon, divers will come down with cameras to investigate the damage found on the ship.

– They will conduct a rescue investigation. It's based on the way you see that rescue work is going on. They will also conduct a technical investigation, "said Pär-Åke Eriksson

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At 07:30 Monday, the ship Makassar Highway was due out of Loftahammar.

Pär-Åke Eriksson explains that several parts are studied. Among other things, they study how the ship represents, how much weight and how much the lifeboat needs to be.

When the investigation is completed, the situation will be analyzed at a new staff meeting, which will take place on Tuesday afternoon 15:30. – Here we have special skills. "Pär-Åke Eriksson will then propose a statement and a plan in the afternoon". [ad_2]
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