"Come on, horse – it's not worthy" – Sport – Corren.se


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The team that never loses the roof is about to do it.

At worst could already have done it.

Normally, there is a limit when the adventurous pendulum hits the wall, turns on the other side and meets a flash, but White Horse 2018/2019 is about to hit the stop in "Parodi City".

Population: All the least.

This is not a club used to draw harmonic breaths.

If you count enough on the white horse's sticker, you'll see both the "Kronofogden" and "oreda" spines under the eyes, but this season is something else.

READ MORE:"I'm here for the love of the horse"

Even to be the white horse.

Jumbon does not hold water and offers a darling event that never seems to end on the outside.

How much energy is there to destroy their own home? How did it happen?

Supporters against the board.

Council against supporters.




Then we scratch only on a surface that hides even more dirty intrigues.

This is in all respects a false noise and a stressful task, which can of course be attributed to the position of the table.

The only parts that can agree – whether you want to resign, signal or close the door, is that it destroys the situation of White Horse a little more each day.

We have already gone on stage for what is going well.

READ MORE:She asks for a white horse of 200,000 SEK.

It's as fragmented as it sounds in many ways, but the fans and the club have one thing in common: a contaminated brand.

Those who work for the white horse and those who are passionate about the association are about to break their love.

This is an unsustainable situation.

Damage control is in place. A few minutes still ask, "What are we doing?"

There will be a hand extended from somewhere.

This accusation and search error in the second winter evolved into a father.

Go now, White Horse, no matter what part of the club you go to.

This is not worthy.

Appearing as a reliable defender of various value bases in the current circumstances falls flat.

Sponsors are not supreme in extending their agreements when the foundations of the foundations collapse.

Good luck to attract new acquisitions. Good luck to attract the public.

White Horse has huge problems to win ice hockey games. They have so much trouble pulling the puck into the net.

They are the worst of all Swedes but it is not the same thing as they go out.

There is a fighting game as a lifeline, but in the war with himself, the greatest enemy of White Horse – White Horse.

It may well be that an unpleasant division 1 occurs every day around the corner, but it is also largely here and now that it is determined how unpleasant it will be if the horse is raging.

One last thing: It is not only in the political capital that there is a chance of reelection. In a union democracy, members can introduce a new president and simply ask for re-election.

Shit can be thrown but rarely meets as well as constructiveness.

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