Commonly with brothels in rented apartments


Foto: Johan Nilsson / TT

Undertaking closed-house activities in rented private apartments across sites like Airbnb has become a trend in criminal circles. Now the police are warning people who rent their homes.

The warning of brothels in private apartments rented by sites like Airbnb has become a trend in criminal circles.

– Police warn people who rent their homes. Peter Åström, Section of the Police against Violent International Organized Crime, IGOB

Previously, this type of crime mainly concerned hotels and motels. However, after the police sensitized the hotel chains to prostitution, those behind the crimes changed their footsteps

. A trend

Peter Åström confirms that there has been a tendency to use rented private homes on Airbnb and other rentals as workspace. for prostitution, sex and human trafficking. The problem is, in particular, big cities like Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, and to a certain extent also in Uppsala, Norrköping and Umeå.

It is common for a person to meet the person who rents the apartment, introduces himself and pays a deposit. Then, other people will stay in the apartment – without the knowledge of the renter.

Peter Åström points out that it is a deceptive person who hires, but that tenants also have a responsibility.

– For example, you must inform the tenant or owner association. But that's not every time that's done.

"The Modern Slave Trade"

He says he does not know the activities of brothels and prostitution has increased by landing rental lands. On the other hand, rented apartments have become an increasingly common platform for this type of crime, which the police see very seriously.

– This is a modern slave trade for sexual purposes. It is terrible that this happens as much as it does today. There are men who represent what you can call a primus engine in the crowdsong. Without demand, there is no offer.

Every year, human trafficking amounts to about 23 billion kroner in Europe. Behind the borders are networks organized from abroad. However, people in power are rarely in place in Sweden, but use the Internet and have some sort of group leader.

– Women are the ones who put the least pressure on prostitution.

Collaboration with the owners

In order to solve the problem, the Stockholm police will begin to cooperate with some owners of the city by 2018.

– This can also be implemented at the 39 on a national scale, says Peter Åström.

In a comment written to TT, the hiring giant says that he has not received reports from Swedish police who suggest

"We have no Tolerance for inappropriate or illegal activities and permanently remove bad actors from our platform, "said an Airbnb spokesman in the commentary.

Peter Åström says he's having trouble understanding it.

– They have a point of view on the question. We take care to reconnect. But on the other hand, it is a site.

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