Confirmed: Duplantis nobbar indoor-EM | SVT Sport


Armand Duplantis must go to school. This means that the EM in Glasgow Hall is missing in early March and a Swedish medal jump is lost.

"We've had it for a long time, and the problem is that it's holding the most important school competition this weekend (" Pole Vault Summit "in Reno, Western United States). the shift in time and getting canes is not easy and it's great for the body, so it does not succeed this year, "said Karin Torneklint of SVT Sport.

But you are not completely sure?

– Yes, but I am. I am basically sure. But I learned never to say never. Certainly, things have changed and new decisions will be made, but for now, the decision is so – precise, explains Torneklint.

"Without surprise"

What do you think?

– He will obviously miss us in the team. It is great to bring. But I probably had been waiting for this message for a long time – it was not surprising to me.

In addition, says Torneklint, the situation is pretty much the same for another Swedish jumper, Lisa Gunnarsson.

Same situation for Lisa Gunnarsson

"It's also very close to her that she can not cope, that's what it looks like to go to school in the United States.

"I did not clearly tell her about the SE and I do not need a quick decision, it can be long, but I think she has the same situation, which makes difficult combination.

What do you think of Duplantis, competitions, in its young age??

"We have to respect it as young as it is a balance we respect for not being able to participate in everything." None of us wants it to break or get in trouble because He trains so hard, he is wise, and he is a wise coach and a wise environment.

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