Cost in millions for Coop when the former CEO was invited


Compensation for Sonat Burman-Olsson was in addition to the salary, more than 23 million, since Market was the first to write. Total paid chicken coop on 31 145 000 SEK to the former CEO in 2017. The base salary amounted to just over 7.7 million SEK, severance pay to just over 11 million from SEK and tip at SEK 12.3 million.

"Sonat Burman-Olsson has received his salary and severance pay in accordance with his agreement, and we congratulate him for turning Coop's long-term shortfall as CEO," said Tommy Ohlström. , chairman of the board of directors of Coop Sweden and KF.

It was imperative that Coop's figures be known, he said.

"This is the mission that Sonat Burman-Olsson has received, and she has also been successful, so to get the job of CEO we have to come up with market conditions and that's what we did."

"Members probably think that there is a lot of money, which is," he told Market.

The successor Magnus Johansson receives a much lower salary of 4.8 million, compared to the base salary of 11 million crowns paid by Sonat Burman-Olsson, according to Market.

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