Gasoline stacks shocked prices | SVT News


Gasoline prices may be perceived as high at the present time, but a record was broken in the afternoon when a gas station located near Skurup announced a price of about 30 Swedish crowns per liter of gasoline and diesel.

A customer who thought at the time was informed that his refueling cost nearly 1,500 SEK.

It was not a special gasoline or what the gas station was trying to earn a bit more, it was a system error in the pricing system, "said Niclas Brantingson, Preem press officer.

Many touchdowns

"Unfortunately, the problem did not only affect the Skurup service station, but up to 74 service stations across the country.

The problem lasts up to an hour and the victims' staff was in place to inform customers of the mistake.

"We discovered the mistake when someone came in and we made it clear that the price was very high," says a colleague from Preem to Skurup at SVT Nyheter.

The sum is reserved on the customers' cards

After the discovery of the mistake, the price of gasoline was further reduced, but some customers have paid by card and the wrong amount was booked on their bank.

"The sum will be corrected automatically and no one will have to pay the wrong price, but it may take a few days," said Niclas Brantingson.

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