County Administrative Board Increases Fire and Drought Preparedness


published Monday, July 23, 2018, 15:02 by the editorial board

  imagefr governor From today, the prefecture
– This means that we grant the Work priority of the great drought in the county, namely heat wrecks, fire hazards, food shortages, water scarcity and health risks, says Landshövding Anders Danielsson. "We are not facing a crisis in the department," explains Anders Danielsson, Landshövding, who explains how we can help those already affected, mainly in agriculture. prevent problems, minimize risks and strengthen resistance as much as possible. 19659005] – It is extremely dry and the groundwater levels are falling. We must therefore help save on water. This will be enough for humans, for livestock, but also for wildlife, "says Sandra Brantebäck, Department of Water, and even though the weather is improving and raining, it is raining. may be long before the water level improves

The risk of fire remains high and the County Administrative Board urges everyone to abide by the anti-fire regime. County-wide fires. "According to security expert Eija Suhonen, the community's protection and preparedness unit, the slightest spark can cause a rapid fire

.The drought causes a shortage of electricity. 39, food, the risk of catching wells and the risk that there is not enough water for herds.

– We are working to support rural entrepreneurs from all possible ways and we are working closely with LRF., rural department. It starts in many parts of the county and we want to make everyone aware that many factors can present a fire hazard, such as sparks or hot vehicles, so be careful and make sure you have a extinguisher.

In the county, the County Administrative Board contributes to a national pool of county administrative experts who assist the County Councils of Gävleborg and Dalarna.
The county council's IT department, which provides support to all county administrative boards, has expanded its IT support. A bigger location in Färila in Ljusdal.

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