County Board of Directors reverses water bans for farmers


The water courses of Skåne dry up in the heat. The prefecture has therefore deemed it illegal to take water from the rivers. But we are now forced to back down in part because of the farmers' food crisis
– We have a very special situation, says Maria Nitare, water manager on the County Board of Directors from Skåne

Image: ] Johan Wagnström, Skåne County Council

People can only take water from our arches if it is obviously harmless from an ecological point of view . Because it is difficult for the individual to decide, the County Administrative Board will help and make a qualified assessment. This guides everything from homeowners who water the lawn with water to farmers who depend on water courses on the farm.

On Wednesday the Skåne Administrative Council came to the conclusion that all Skåne water courses are dehydrated. no withdrawal can take place. This would threaten plant and animal species living in water.

– Water levels have been low, but in recent weeks we have had indications that the situation is so tense that no withdrawal can take place. Therefore, we concluded that we considered it illegal, explains Maria Nitare, Water Manager on the Skåne County Board of Directors.

You must now be forced – in part. On Thursday, Maria Nitare received talks from struggling farmers who depend entirely on Helge å waters.

Despite the fact that it is believed that anything can handle withdrawals. It is the many farmers in distress in north-eastern Skåne that led them to re-evaluate their assessment.

– We have a very special situation. The extreme drought forces the farmers to bring down their animals because of a lack of food, and we understand that even though the water level is very low, it does not come out. there is no water in Helge, "says Maria Nitare

. It's free for owners to take Helge's water to keep the green lawn.

– No, it is the case that animals are not fed, it is the highest price.

Responsibility to ensure that Helge Ridge Maria Nitare stresses that water resources are being used undesirably, but we have now made it clear that we do not consider this to be an ecological disaster if we take the water of Helge Island.

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