Cricket match shot in Kviberg – three to the hospital | Gothenburg after


Immediately after nine o'clock on Sunday night, police were alerted by a storm in Kviberg. Two groups were fighting each other and five police patrols were called on the spot

There was once an unexpected vision

– It was about a cricket match, "said Morten Gunneng, police officer in charge of the police Västra Götaland

Match situation

It is not known why the noise started, but according to the police, it seems like a match situation Four people were injured and three were transported to the hospital.

One of the wounded should be the referee

– There were a lot of bats involved. We got a kick on the leg, and the # Arbitrator may have broken his arm Another was struck in the face There is a great ballet, you can tell, says Morten Gunneng

Three people in the 20-30's were arrested and suspected of Abuse

– It is possible that one or the other of the offensive cases oneself T considered coarse, depending on the condition of the injury, says Morten Gunneng.

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