Criminal offenders are placed in the same residence as their enemies – News (Ekot)


– This can be particularly dangerous if you place two guys in the same city who are already dead enemies. Because it is not uncommon in these groupings to kill each other blindly, one must be very careful, says Mikael Hiljegren, who works at the Stockholm Police Group

in the US. one of the cases, the municipality was informed of accommodation, before placement, there was already a person with a protected identity of the same city on housing. But the municipality said the two did not know each other. Paul Barath is the president of the Criminals Revolt in Society and the Responsible for Accommodation

– I look at his mine as it is something that is not correct. So the new guy says you do not call him. You are called, and so he says his real name as he was before changing.

Mark's Protected Identity was raised when a person with close ties to those who threatened him with life was placed in the same residence. . We replaced his voice and his name to protect his identity.

– When he arrived at KRIS, I thought he would tell me where I am and I would probably be in a bag soon, he said. 19659003] – It should not happen and it should not happen. I think the municipality did not get to the bottom of the matter. Paul Barath

The name of the team spoke with several private actors who say that it happened several times in Sweden. In another case in Malmö, the city placed two people in the same residence in Småland, although one of the people indicated the other as a threat, and despite the fact that it was the same social services department that made the investments.

– The routines we had previously shown were inadequate in this situation, "says Anna Clara Lindberg, Social Services Manager Öster in Malmö

It seems that you do not communicate internally about who you are placing where?

– Exactly this was the gap we identified, that you should have made an extra internal here too, "says Anna Clara Lindberg.

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