"Dangerous to have old dad"


Older fathers are at greater risk of giving their children genetic diseases.

A new study published in Nature shows that autism and schizophrenia are two diseases that children of older fathers are more likely to suffer, writes Dagens Nyheter.

Children of elderly fathers are more exposed to schizophrenia and autism, and even to other genetic diseases.

According to a study published in Nature, the age of the father is the most important factor of non-hereditary gene mutation in the child.

"In a very unfair way, we have identified older mothers, whereas we should be careful when we talk about older fathers. The Icelandic scientist and co-author of the study, Kari Stefansson, told the AFP news agency that it was dangerous to have an elderly father.

The age of the mother is related to Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations, but differs from the type of genetic mutation described in this study.

The mutations in the Nature report are caused by cell division during processes such as sperm production.

"Our view is that part of the increase in the diagnosis of autism can be explained by the increasing age of fathers," Stefansson said.

He adds that further research will probably show a similar link with other genetic diseases, particularly in the brain.

In recent decades, the age of newspapers has increased and the number of fathers over 40 has increased.

Researchers believe that heredity and new mutations are at the root of autism and schizophrenia.

Niklas Eriksson, TT

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