Dante, 12, has Down's syndrome disappeared in Falkenberg


Dante, 12, was missing after 18:00 on Tuesday. He was last seen in the district of Tröingeberg in Falkenberg. Dante had gone out with the family dog ​​at the time of the disappearance. The dog is back in the family, but not the boy.

– The dog may have jumped back or found by someone. It was unhurt, "said Peter Adlersson, president of the West Coast Police.

During the evening, extensive research was conducted without success. During the night, the police went to a special event. On Wednesday, research continues unabated.

The disappearance is the subject of an investigation as a human law

The police helicopter and the army participate in the search. The police initially stated that she could not rule out suspicions of crimes.

"We have a missing person whom we have not found, you are still working in parallel criminal investigations.You can not exclude anything, it may be that something has happened," said Peter Adlersson, press officer the chief of police.

On Wednesday at 3:25 pm, the police announced the opening of a preliminary investigation into human rights.

"We have nothing to report yet, but concretely, that means we are ready for a crime," said Tommy Nyman, president of the West Coast Police in Falkenberg.

Hundreds of people are involved in the search for missing persons.

Photo: private

During the morning, trains were stopped between Falkenberg and Halmstad when police searched a rail tunnel. Later, it rolled as planned, but it may be slower than usual in rail traffic beyond the current distance throughout the day.

"You look along the tracks and you do not want trains to shine there," said Peter Adlersson.

At 10:45, the search was over and the train ran again.

The police urge all residents of Falkenberg to participate in Dante's search.

Looking for everything Falkenberg

The police also asked everyone in Falkenberg to participate in the search.

"We want to invite all the inhabitants of Falkenberg to browse their plots, outbuildings, cars or any other place where he is," said Peter Adlersson.

"It's totally impossible for us to get through all the horrors and injuries and it's impossible to eliminate that he's scared and that he's hiding somewhere." All Falkenberg is a search area.

The police also take advice that may give indications that the boy has gone elsewhere.

"If anyone notices that he's boarded a bus or a train, we'd like to know," Adlersson said.

Peter Adlersson.

Photo: police

Police say they also use search dogs in the area and that the military is actively involved in research activities. Calle Sjöstrand, Head of Communications at Luftvårdsregementet i Halland, says that 123 soldiers are participating.

"We have managed to reduce the staff to this initiative.There are 80 people from Luftvärnsregementet (Lv6), employees, recruits and commanders from the cape and lower level, and 43 people from Hemvärnsbattaljonen to Halland, said Sjöstrand.

Missing people is looking for Dante.

Photo: private

Missing persons participates

Missing people at a gathering place at the Falcon Alcohol Free Arena.

Tuesday evening, about 1,000 people searched for Dante and Wednesday, hundreds of volunteers also participated in the research.

"About 400 people are looking around us and about 300 are waiting to be assigned zones," Tessan Jigfjord told Missing People.

Tessan Jigfjord by Missing People.

Photo: Christian Börjesson

Jigford tells us that he assumes the place where he disappeared and then gradually widens the search area.

"You're looking for a circle where he disappeared and then you develop it, because," says Jigford.

She later recounts Wednesday afternoon that many people have traveled far enough to participate in the research.

– We have people from Gothenburg here, but also from Skåne and other parts of central Sweden. We will search until we find it, "she says.

At 16:10, Tessan Jigford announces that about 700 people are still in place and participate in the research.

– The atmosphere is calm. People are wet and cold, it's getting cold, she says.

Missing people search missing Dante.
Missing people search missing Dante.

Students help

Annika Owenmark, 73, is one of the many people from Falkenberg who participated in the research on Wednesday. She tells him that the mood is printed among the participants and that everyone is concerned about the event.

– The atmosphere is serious. I have the impression that all the Falkenberg is out and that I look, I'm just participating in one of the many groups on the outside.

She says that several members of the research group spent the night outside. Even a large group of young people is in place. Johannes Karlsson, 15, declares to be vacant at Falkenberg High School to look for Dante.

"It sounds unreal, I went out for an hour and I searched.I was out yesterday too.This seems to me important to help, it could have been a parent for me.

Johannes Karlsson, 15, has received permission from Falkenberg High School to participate in the research.
Photo: Annika Owenmark
More than a thousand people are looking for Dante.
Photo: Annika Owenmark

Factory staff comes out

The Essity dredging plant in Falkenberg left about 30 employees to quit work to withdraw from the research.

"We think we want to assume our civic responsibility and we have been able to let the staff leave the premises for a day of maintenance and the machines are temporarily suspended," says Christian Olesen, working environment for Essity.

He thinks that many of the employees themselves are parents and that it is important to show their support.

"We are part of society and it's about the boy you have to bear," he says.

The Essity dredging plant in Falkenberg left about 30 employees to quit work to withdraw from the research.

Photo: Christian Olesen

When he disappeared, Dante wore a blue jacket with a touch of luv and black shoes with reflexes. He has blonde hair that goes up to the ears and is about 140 centimeters long with a narrow body structure.

The public is invited to read the information by phone at 114 14.

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