Data: Rikmarm after alleged killings in Vivalla: "Neither denies nor confirms"


A 20-year-old man was arrested on Friday for probable suspicion of murder. He was one of the people brought to USÖ after the shootings. He was arrested later and went on to arrest the police.

► [+] Gang war: 20-year-old murdered in Vivalla: "For suspected suspicion"

NA yesterday told SVT Orebro data that two more people had been arrested

► [+] Two more people arrested after the death raids at Vivalla

But now, Aftonbladet states that the police proceeded to steal after another suspect was arrested. Police do not want to confirm the details of NA

– I do not deny or confirm this information, "said Christina Hallin, the presidential police officer

READ MORE [+]: [19659008] ►TIME: The killings of Vivalla happened

►Murdered was the main suspect of an old shooting in the Markbacken: "He fled the area while they were following him"

►Live TV: Two people killed after shootings in Vivalla

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