Dawn novelist Ulf Borgström is convicted of attempted murder


On Thursday, the verdict was dropped against Ulf Borgström, 54, also known as Dawn Spy Man. He was suspected of having fired two fires last year, one against an older cultural building of Arboga Wood on St. John's Day and the other against the Social Administration Office of Köping in early December.

Borgström was convicted of a number of crimes, including attempted murder in welfare offices – but was released from suspicion of arson fires in Arboga – and sentenced to two years and eight months in the Västmanland District Court. He is also denied the right to parole that he has already received. This means that Ulf Borgström will spend about five years in prison.

– He is found guilty of the new acts, but parole is confiscated. Previously, he had inflicted two thirds of a penalty, but now the remaining time – two years and seven months – is added to the new sentence. In practice, he is sentenced to a term of about five years, "said Fredrik Ingblad, prosecutor at the prosecutor's office in Västerås.

The defense believes that the verdict was partially assessed and partly false [19659002] – The court rejected the crime of murder At Arboga, we are very satisfied with our opinion that it is a correct assessment.As for the event of Köping, my client denied the crime but the district court chose to try him for attempted murder, we think we are wrong, we will discuss a possible appeal, "says Borgström's lawyer Viktor Svartz.

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         Ulf Borgström poured vegetable oil, which he then lit, to the welfare office. The Police

Matches of matches

The fire of the premises of social services would have been motivated by the decision of Borgström to cancel a training on hooves organized as part of the program of 39, action of the labor market. The decision must be based on Ulf Borgström's answer to the horses, he must have frightened the animals and did not have the necessary care.

On the night of December 4 to 5, 2017, he lit the fire in the office

Pour Spyromanom grilled in vegetable oil through the hole, using a piece of cardboard that served as a drain . The fire never lit a fire, it was obvious. On the other hand, the rescue service felt that it could have been very bad and could have caused significant damage.

Twelve days later, Ulf Borgström was seized outside of an Ica store. The DNA of him had been found on the edge of the Social Security and on the piece of cardboard seized, and pictures of him were taken by watch buddies near the fire.

Borgström denies the crime and says that he has not tried to shoot.

Can not be linked to Arbogabranden

The district court describes the event in Köping as an attempt to assassinate a classification that prosecutor Fredrik Ingblad is not really afraid of. agreement

– We do not share the opinion of the court. We mean that it was finished. There was a fire, even though it was extinguished. We thought that there was a risk that it affected all the social service and that it was so rude, but it did not seem sufficient to the court.

The spokesman was suspected of burning in Arboga –

Photo: ] The police

The little dawn novel was released from the suspicion of murder fires massive in Arboga, even though there was strong evidence against him. Among other things, Borgström sent an e-mail to the police in the southern region where he threatened to light a fire if he had not reached an agreement with the police in the middle of the l & # 39; 39; summer. In addition, it was stated that images had been found in his phone, representing the current Arboga building, as well as pictures of matches.

– The district court states that it is not proven that Ulf Borgström was the author of Arboga. When it comes to this fire, it's a goal of indication – that there is a lot of evidence, but nothing that links it to the time of the day. fire on the crime scene. We understand the reasoning of the district court, but we will see if we do something more or if we allow it, "says Ingblad.

READ MORE: Crazy Dawn Detective at Ystad

Reserved for Rent

Ulf Borgström has long been known by the police and figures in hundreds fire investigations. In most cases, he was released.

The majority of the fires that Dawn Spy's novel is suspected to have started was in Skåne. According to the police, it was everything from residential buildings to burning churches.

On December 2, 2010, a rental house in Ystad began to burn. Four stairwells were evacuated and 37 people were evacuated. In connection with the fire, Ulf Borgström came out of the door with a dark jacket and a black hat. He was then sentenced to eight years in prison for murder.

In 2016, Borgström was released after serving two-thirds of his time in prison before moving to a small town in the municipality of Köping. [ad_2]
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