Despite warnings: 32 alarms on burning in free – in three hours


At least 68 field fires ravage Sweden – four of them are considered unbreakable according to MSB – and there is a firewall.

Despite this, the Stockholm police received 32 alarms on people shooting in the open air.

– No one may have missed the ban, says Eva Nilsson to Stockholm police.

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Fires in Sweden at the moment.

Fire fire prevails over large parts of Sweden because of the extreme weather situation that is. In other words, the risk of forest fires is considered imminent.

During the afternoon of Saturday, 68 land fires ravaged, many of them huge and four considered extinct. A number of companies have been evacuated due to fires.

Despite this, the police continue to be alarmed by people who shoot and grill in the open air.

– We have a lot of noise and it has been the same all week As long as the good weather continues, it will probably continue as follows, "says Eva Nilsson to the Stockholm police.

Between 14.00 and 17.00 they received 32 alarms for burning / grilling outdoors:

  • At 14:34 people sat a party tent on the beach at Vårby Strandbad and lighted grills Two people were denounced for breaking the law on prevention fires.

  • At 14:56, a man set fire to a barbecue in Ängbybadet.The person was reported for violation of the fire ban (law on protection against accidents) Several companies have fired grills on both barbecues and barbecues in the open-air area of ​​Rudan Patrull will patrol with barbecues in the area.

  • At 15:43, a company did co-barbecue fire at a Fleming school The patrol is pleased with an illumination / cancellation and the company continues to cook at home.

  • At 16:09, two people fired in the Slätmossen Nature Park. When the patrol arrived on the scene, the fire was extinguished and people left

  • At 16:37, several companies were roasting on a field of Spanga IP extended on the ground.

This is just a part of the conversations that keep coming to the regional management center about outdoor grilling / flashing, writes the police.

– No one has missed the ban, I think everything according to Eva Nilsson, reports and all the authorities who have warned and warned that you should not cook and grill now.

Christer Wahlström of the Storstockholm Fire Department is also in the same line:

I think we have been very clear about what is happening and if we follow the news feed on the fires that are burning around from Sweden, so you should simply be able to think for yourself.

Last week, the police


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