Difficult place with the ship due – Pages


The ground cargo, MakassarHighway, was parked Monday morning due to the North American archipelago. That's after the 139-meter-long ship changed course to get better mobile coverage en route to Södertälje. On board there are 1,200 cars and 19 crews. The Superintendent was suspected of having committed an armed robbery after the incident, but was released after receiving a criminal injunction. The Coast Guard has made constant efforts to investigate the damage and oil leaks on the vessel. As a safety measure, the vessel was surrounded by corridors to catch leaks.

On Saturday afternoon, the Coast Guard announced in a press release that the job was made difficult by 10-second high winds. This caused the big cargo ship to turn, which resulted in an oil leak. How much is unknown.

– No island in the immediate vicinity is threatened with oil spills yet. We are mapping the ocean with the help of one of our specially equipped planes and studying which tank the oil can come from, "says the rescue leader, Roger Gebauer, in the press release [19659006]. Then, on Friday, a so-called calculation expert on board the ship relies on the stability of the ship.

– We are serious about the situation and are ready to be reclaimed as soon as possible. Our goal is that the near environment will be spared by oil, "says Roger Gebauer.

READ MORE: Dismantling Ground Vessels

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