"Do not call the neighbor to violence at home"


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Do not call the neighbor's door if there is suspicion of violence in intimate relationships. He writes several articles on criminology and violence between loved ones, in a debate article in Dagens Nyheter. Instead, the board must ensure your safety and facilitate the work of the police by alerting and providing information.

In the article of debate, the authors write that, although research shows that interventions in the area of ​​violence in intimate relationships are risky, different municipalities and landowners call their neighbors for what they call to the suspicion of crime.

The authors consider that it is important that everyone does their part and raise awareness, but that efforts must be based on ongoing research so as not to be counterproductive and particularly dangerous.

Even the police need special knowledge to deal with these difficult situations. The authors of the article write that new research should form the basis of future efforts.

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