Do what Theresa May says


This is a leader text. Norran is a politically united party with the liberal term

. Certainly, there are still questions about the details of the Mays Brexit plan. Overall, however, his attitude is a good balance between implementing the EU divorce while avoiding the isolation of other Europeans.

Eight months

For a long time, British Prime Minister Theresa May signed an agreement on Brexit with the EU

From March 29, 2019, Britain will no longer be a member of the European Union. This is what it is about.

Negotiations have so far been rare. The month of May has been tight on two sides: partly by his own party, where many want to see a hard line against the EU and partly with the EU.

Brexit negotiators from the Union have often repeated that the British could not out of the pie. The signal was that it can not be painless to leave. Sometimes the attitude of the EU has pleased other countries: see how it goes if you try to leave us.

After several heavy ministers jumped through the government to protest against Theresa May's latest proposal for a sweeter line of Brexit, she went tough on the defense for her own opinion. On July 14, she wrote an article in the Mail on Sunday that there would be no withdrawal if the British did not collect her line.

The British government's proposal involves a complicated free trade agreement on goods. In this way, the country avoids industrial problems and leaves a border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. At the same time, immigration can be controlled, which was a clear conservative promise in the vote Brexite

However, EU citizens should be able to travel without a visa and work for a limited period [19659005] Moreover, Britain will not have to

There are certainly still some question marks about the details of the Mays Brexit plan. Overall, however, his attitude is a good balance between implementing the EU divorce while avoiding isolation from Europe.

Resistance to the Conservative Party resembles an ex-husband who is too ready to talk. with his ex-wife.

The EU has not been shown by its better side either. Since May, the "White Paper" on the future relations of the country with the EU has shown that in Brussels it is impossible to have free movement of goods while limiting the possibilities of ;immigration. However, some constructive direct words have not been expressed by the EU

May has a mandate: to follow the will of the British people and end the King's accession to the EU. EU, and so as to maintain good relations with the Union. [19659005] The fact that the EU and some parts of the Prime Minister's party have to a certain extent thwarted them from their respective sides implies a lack of respect for the Brexit's democratic decision, and that it's not the same. an exit involves negotiations and compromises

. French government, it was said that Brexit should not be eliminated – which could have been for the month of May.

But despite the fact that the UK is losing, a Brexit would be a disaster for British democracy. In addition, this would put the EU in a very bad day because the signal would be that in practice it is not possible to leave in reasonably arranged conditions.

British citizens voted for an exit. It must be respected and implemented.

Karin Pihl

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