Domprost poodles after a silent meeting: "Overlaid"


Photo: Karl Melander

Visby Cathedral. Image of archive.

Domprost Mats Hermansson in Visby let the cathedral watches call to silence a seminar held at the church. But he regrets himself …

– He was canceled, he told TT

It's the "spontaneous pop-up seminar" of writer and debater Thomas Gür on the integration that made the church bells ring. Partly because the meeting took place outside the church, partly because what he heard was "unpleasant and conflictual". He claims that what he heard concerned the way in which Swedish women were raped by foreign men, reports the newspaper.

In a video broadcast on social networks, the dumpster hears and hears Thomas Gür's call saying that he was "a danger of being". 19659007] Beklämd

Thomas Gür says to the day he feels apprehended after the event – the church bells should only be taken in extreme situations. This is also happening in the context of Nazi meetings

– But call danger and danger because a bourgeois debate organizer organizes a seminar, without speakers or aides, it's like using the smile on soft cheese, says Gür to ​​the day. 19659005] PJ Anders Linder, CEO and Editor-in-Chief at Axess, writes in his blog that the Swedish Church has done a stupid stupidity. "The bells that call for worship and call peace on the dead were politically claimed to hurt the public conversation," he wrote

"Stupidly made"

And a few hours later, the duddy did a poodle – "the situation motivated not this action," he wrote in a statement

– This was not a danger at all.It was overwhelmed by me, stupidly done, he told TT

He said that he was surprised when he saw that there was a meeting outside the church, and that the participants were also taking the chairs off the living room. He also says that he has not heard much what has been said

– But I've heard of foreign rapists, although there is no reason to call church bells

According to Thomas Gür, the thief misunderstood everything:

– I said that every rape should be punished without penalty, even if i have raped more women. But there was nothing related to immigration. Said Thomas Gür to ​​the day, he was not at all talked about it was Swedish men or foreigners.

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