Donald Trump remains skeptical of the climate


"One of the problems is that a lot of people like me have a very high intelligence, but we do not necessarily believe it. [klimatförändringarna] is caused by the man and if the effects you are talking about are there, I do not see it, says Trump
Washington Post.

The magazine describes unequivocal meeting of 20 minutes in the Ovala room during which he questioned the dismissal of the last journalist
Climate Report, compiled by 300 researchers and 13 authorities, which the White House has chosen to publish late Friday. Trump, who has repeatedly refuted the idea that global warming is a Chinese bluff, embroidered his vision of climate:

"You look at our air and our water and for the moment it is recordable.But when we look at China and parts of Asia, South America and many other places in the world, including Russia, including many other places, the air is incredibly dirty and when we talk about atmosphere, very small garden, says Donald Trump.

– It blows and it sails. I mean, we are taking off in Asia thousands of tons of scrap metal that was landing all the time on our beaches. It flows through the Pacific Ocean. It flows and we say "where does this come from?" It takes a lot of people to start.

Trump commented report
The first time last Monday that he had read a little, but he did not believe it. On Tuesday, the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said the report was a pessimistic scenario without any factual basis. The report contains several scenarios and, according to the report, climate change with unchanged patterns of behavior at the end of the century would cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives every year.

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