Draghi and Trump backed Wall Street


The main stock markets in New York were strengthened on a broad front on Tuesday.

The support came from Mario Draghi, who said at the European Central Bank conference in Sintra that it might be necessary to stimulate further if the eurozone outlook did not improve. Interest rate cuts are part of the toolbox of the ECB, noted the head of the ECB.

President Donald Trump issued an additional tweet telling him that Chinese Xi Jinping would have a single meeting at the G20 meeting in Japan, which China has also confirmed.

At closing, the Dow Jones Large Companies Index was up 26.467, up 1.4%. The broader S & P 500 index rose 1.0% to 2,918, while the techno-nong Nasdaq Composite index was up 1.4% to 7,954%.

At the sectoral level, the workshop increased by 1.9%, while consumption decreased by 0.6%.

As far as businesses are concerned, Facebook presented the fintech project featuring Libra, a cryptocurrency that "will build a new financial system for online credit transfers". However, this share lost 0.3%, after rising slightly by 4% on Monday.

Boeing received some relief after IAG and Korean Air announced a total of 230 orders for orders, of which the order was for 200 aircraft of the 737 Max accident model. The share has increased by 5.4%.

Caterpillar, another company heavily exposed to China, grew 2.4%.

Revenues were also reported among Nvidia and Micron chip makers, which grew by 5.4% and 5.7%, respectively.

After a buy recommendation from Wedbush, Pinterest got a 3.4% increase, believing that the profitability opportunities are significantly higher than those of its competitors on social media.

Bank of America has received from BMO an increased recommendation to increase from previous neutrality. The share was traded up 2.5 percent.

Prior to the opening of the stock market, housing construction figures fell 0.9% in May from the previous month. The seasonally adjusted annual rate was 1,269,000 households, according to official statistics.

Analysts expected construction to reach 1,239,000 units a year, according to Reuters' average forecast.

The US interest rate fell by 4 basis points, or 2.06%.

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