Drönare can locate fires – Sydsvenskan


It has become more common to use drones in forestry. As Anton Holmström, business developer at Skogsstyrelsen explains, Dröner is often used in forestry, according to Sveriges Radios Ekot. They can also be an effective tool for finding fires. Image: Henrik Holmberg / TT

The Rescue Service returned to landlord Annette Eilert and spoke of fire in her forest.

– We said we had no idea. If we burn it, we do not know that it is not we who have called. Then I picked up my drones, I got up to about 50 meters, and then saw the smoke rod. It turned out that it was in our forest while it was burning. Annette Eilert in Ekot tells the firefighters where the fire was and where it was the shortest

According to Anton Holmström, a company promoter with the Forestry Board, drones are often used in their operations

. You have an eye in the air, flying binoculars. When it comes to finding a forest fire, I think you'll find it much easier from the air, instead of driving or walking it, "says Anton Holmström on the radio

How to navigate a drone through the Civil Protection and Preparedness Authority (MSB) .But drones may not be sent during an ongoing rescue operation because there is a risk of collision with a Ambulance helicopter or water plan.

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