Earthquake in Skaraborg: "Very Unusual"


At 8:27 pm Monday night, an earthquake occurred north of Götene in Skaraborg.

It's the third shelf in Sweden in a short time

– it's very rare, says seismologist Björn Lund.

Several people went to Aftonbladet, who thought they had experienced an earthquake between 8:30 pm and 9:00 pm.

– This is a small earthquake, says seismologist Björn Lund at the University of Uppsala, after opening his computer and looking at the numbers

The cave is about seven kilometers east of Hällekis and 13 km north of Götene. Monday evening. It has reached a magnitude of 1.9 on the Richter scale, which is about the limit at which the earthquake begins to be perceived by humans.

Third shelf visible in a short time

This is the third shelf that occurs in Sweden in a very short time. The first took place on the day of the summer solstice in Skara. After that, we came to Kalix just a week later, and now he is shaken again in Skaraborg.

Usually, you only measure a big earthquake a year.

– The scabbard we had at Midsummer was great to be in Sweden and then it was to Kalix who was also great. And now it is very unusual.

No worries

But according to Björn Lund, there is no need to worry.

– The risks in Sweden are generally quite low, he says.

The Vänern region is a special area in Sweden, relatively active. The continents collapsed 1.5 billion years ago.

– What motivates the shells today are the plates that are moving today, mainly the two shards of the Atlantic that are coming off – and they are shaking the mountains, says Björn Lund

. -3 shrubs a day, but they are so small that they do not feel at all.

How does the earthquake scale work? 01:36

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