Ebba Busch Thor realized the mistake


In what has become what is called the high school team, the requirement has been made that the applicant should not have to reinforce his identity. He was ignored by the court.

What is happening now is not clear. Secondly, Malmö's decision may be appealed to the Migration Court, and other Migration Courts may make another assessment. And all unanimous cases have not yet come to court. They are then treated by the Swedish Migration Board, which intends to try under the law. However, according to DN, 5,000 of the 9,200 are covered by the courts

No matter how this happens, it is a serious reaction to the parties behind the law. S, MP, V and C. The question is whether a Swedish law has ever been so poorly formulated that a court declines to judge according to its writing.

For KD, it is not a political problem. KD voted no. But not entirely unanimous. Three members voted for the team, including Emma Henriksson, Emma Henriksson, who is chairman of the committee

Ebba Busch Thor has attracted the smallest audience of the week Almedals this year – 900 people – but held the longest speech. That the situation is serious, one could understand when the party's historical giant, Alf Svensson, aged 80, was attracted by the "party" for the party leader. He said, among other things, that there is nothing that KD should fight more than the Christian ethic. We are here to highlight the Christian value base.

This can be seen as a reminder to Ebba Busch Thor that it is Christian ethics with his message of love that should be the most important for KD. The new party leader began turning twisted politics into an obvious attempt to obtain votes in the troubled waters between the alliance and the SD.

This was a failed strategy. It has led to the worst starting point for a choice of decades. And more seriously – that many of the faithful, the party base, have left KD.

Now Busch Thor realized his mistake and is now doing medical care and care for the elderly in priority areas. But she did not completely let go of the badge. The police are included as third zone in advance.

Of these three, the seniors section was the most striking. An 85-year-old who could not even walk with a walker, but denied his place of retirement. An 82-year-old man who was in urgent need of social relations but had antidepressants but no room for old housing.

KD's solution to the crisis of care in the summer – 50% salary for doctors and nurses weeks – commented by a midwife in reports that the risk is that he only moves the queues waiting at other parts of the year.

It is noted that Busch Thor did not mention SD by his name. On the other hand there were slippages against the Center and L. "There is the possibility to drop Stefan Löfven the night of the election – and other parties start – darra – then we will stay Blocked, she said.

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