"Enough convinced that we are the good offender"


Report of Errors on the Text and the Facts

Monday afternoon, first longer hearing of suspect Fagerstabon, 28, charged with murder.

– He was told for free what was happening. We were not harder with him, but it was a free story, so we are continuing the feasibility study now, "said District Attorney Fredrik Sandberg.

Even Now , District Attorney Fredrik Sandberg is right to say that they are the right person.

– We are quite convinced that this is the good offender that we have now.I do not think that people need to be afraid that someone else will sneak in there, "he told Fagersta Posten.

What makes you feel convinced?

– This is the mode of proof that we have, but we are still working broadly and unconditionally to potentially rule out other possible perpetrators. There are no more delinquents or other unknown offenders. But we feel like we are on the right track anyway.

Can there be more arrests?

– I can not confirm or assert that the inmate should have been in the company of someone else during the event. So it may be the case with more arrests, which we can see in the future. However, there is nothing we have planned or decided. But as we said, we work broadly and unconditionally to make sure that we are the right offender, that there is no one at liberty and that that there would be more offenders who would have done it together, "says Fredrik Sandberg. .

What does the evidence look like?

– We work very far, we hear people, do technical research. We do everything we can do. But I can not say what kind of evidence puts us safe.

During the month, a series of technical investigations were conducted. Both at the home of the suspect, but also on the crime scene.

Tuesday morning, a second more thorough hearing of the arrested person is held before the district prosecutor, Fredrik Sandberg, takes a stand in the arrest. However, it has time for Wednesday to. 12:00 pm taking position.

– I am going to hear what he says during the interrogation, but if there is nothing that comes to the end of what has happened up to the point now, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a detention, "said Attorney General Fredrik Sandberg.

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