Ewa Stenberg: High game when Björklund launches the agenda


The bourgeoisie has since its loss of choice, almost four years ago, tried to resurrect itself at the top of politics. But it was like riding a muddy sled. It's a few steps, but then you slide down and in the worst case, you stop lower than you started.

The moderators went on Sunday when leader Ulf Kristersson went on a frontal attack against SD's Jimmie Åkesson. Just a few months ago, key M representatives held elected representatives from across the country not to attack SD for racism. But despite the attempt to show respect for the SD and its constituents, M lost to the eyes of Swedish Democrats in the opinion. So, starting this week, the new offer is. The feast of Jimme Åkesson has grown so much that it's time to take the debate seriously.

Jan Björklund also directs his lighthouse to SD. He told Almedalen that his party had re-elected the election campaign with SD as the new main opponent. Björklund takes over the glove Åkesson launched when he demanded that Sweden leave the next EU mandate. (However, SD has always wanted to leave the EU.)

A Swedish membership to the EU could in the future be a major problem in Sweden, among which the analyst of the EU Ipso, David Ahlin, pointed out.

The opinion in Sweden is strongly positive for the Union, but it is also the British before the start of the campaign for Brexit and who linked with the accession to immigration in the European Union

and easy to realize that our most positive party of the EU wants to lead the fighters if it would be a Swedish political battle.

But at present, the EU is not a winner. EU problems are marginalized in the electoral movement and they are far from the voters' agenda.

The same ideological conflict, which is seen everywhere in the world, is also strong in the Swedish electoral movement. It stands between nationalists and liberals. There, Jan Björklund wants to be a leader

But he was successfully taken by the only bourgeois party leader who managed to advance the muddy brigade, Annie Lööf (C).

The fluctuations of the liberals created confusion about their ideology. First, they would require immigrants and introduce language tests, and then they would think about it. Now they are back in the claims policy. Firstly, Jan Björklund has created a new school day and a new program, now he is criticizing it. At the time of the Minister of Education, Björklund said that it takes eight years to reverse the bad school results, and that the deterioration of his time was the mistake of the school. Former government of S. With the same logic, it should be his fault if fewer ninth grade teachers are now eligible for high school. But there he changed logic, saying that it is the fault of the current government.

The ideology appears as a line behind all the proposals, they change here and it is difficult to understand what the principles really are.

[19459004DuringtheliberalAlmedagen the party had another problem. The former president of the youth federation, Linda Nordlund, writes on the executive side of the Express, and calls on bourgeois-bourgeois voters to support moderates. The reason is that M should be able to do the SD. His advice is for KD. But the Liberals could also leave the Riksdag if voters obeyed the council.

Read more: Björklund (L) can think of a referendum on the EU

Read more: Jan Björklund: Our continent is facing the choice of its choice

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