Explosion at the property on Norra Grängesbergsgatan


On Sunday evening, a loud bang was heard in much of Malmö. Some kind of explosion had occurred on a Norra Grängesbergsgatan property and the police had been blocked by a larger area in anticipation of the bombings.

Sunday evening, there was a kind of explosion in a property of Norra Grängesbergsgatan.picture: Patrick Persson

At 22:30, a loud bang was heard in large parts of Malmö. The readers who listened to the newspaper told us that the sound had been heard from Limhamn to Arlöv.

According to the police, there would have been a kind of explosion on a Norra Grängesbergsgatan property. Several windows were broken. Police blocked a larger area, in Uddeholmsgatan, Västanforsgatan, Norra Grängesbergsgatan in the direction of Amiralsgatan and Kopparbergsgatan.

Nobody was in the property when the explosion occurred and no one was found injured. Bomb police technicians were sent to the site.

"There will be usual investigative measures and a technical investigation," said Erik Liljenström, internal police chief of Malmö, shortly after the incident.

Read more: The Persborg bomb: the neighbors heard a loud bang and saw a strong red glow

The explosion is the other in Malmö in a short time: shortly after midnight on Saturday, a kind of explosion exploded in a traffic school in Persborgstorget. No one was injured at that time and, according to the police, there was no known threat image for the traffic school.

Do you see a connection between this event and the Persborgstorget explosion?

"I can not talk about it," says Erik Liljenström.

Police investigate the incident as destructive destruction common.

picture: Patrick Persson

picture: Patrick Persson

picture: Patrick Persson

picture: Patrick Persson

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