Extreme fire danger in southern Sweden – drier than in Ljusdal


Rescue chief: "At each alert, you hope it is not in the woods"

The fires of central Sweden require resources from all over the country: the afternoon 800 fires were decided. ]

– You almost wait, says Ulf Petersson, Emergency Relief Manager, Municipality of Kalmar.

At Sunday's press conference, the Authority raised social protection and emergency preparedness (MSB)) two troubled clouds in the battle against the forest fires of Sweden. One was the rainforest that draws across northern Sweden from Finland during the evening.

The second was the high temperatures around southern Sweden that caused an extreme fire risk.

– Time is not with us, said Britta Ramberg, MSB's operational director at the press conference


SMHI Extends Class 2 Warning

The authority specifically points out that Mälardalen and Kalmar counties are high-risk areas for new wildfires in the coming days. extended its Class 2 warning for extremely high temperatures and fire hazards to include Kalmar County. In Kalmar, the rescue service resumes by recovering the equipment for the stations stored in storage

– Otherwise, it is a regular action plan, but in terms of equipment we We have updated our resources, considering a fire in the forest and land, Ulf Petersson, Emergency Rescue Officer, Municipality of Kalmar.


Dryers at Kalmar in Ljusdal

Kalmar County, Östergötland and Jönköping cooperate, inter alia, to assist in the hardest-hardened regions of the country.

– We have a joint request from the MSB, so we will be sending people continuously until August 8, early. One group comes home tonight and another goes up and repairs them, "says Ulf Petersson.

Four of the current fires are considered extinct. In order to prevent the progress of one of them, in Dalarna prison, it was decided to fire on 800 hectares, according to SVT Dalarna.

While some parts of the county forces work elsewhere, the civil service reports that it is drier in parts of Kalmar than it is, for example in Ljusdal, where the The most difficult fires are currently raging. He reports P4 Kalmar.

1 of 12 | Ulf Petersson says the extreme fire risk in the area worries the emergency department that forest fires are starting now even there.

– Man (19659000) – Man stands and looks to the sky and hopes; "Just that does not make thunder". Then there is the greatest risk that it ignites. Rain is what we want, but if there is rain, there is a high risk of thunder too.

A helicopter was promised – no,

And it's already in the county. Yesterday's storms triggered several fires in the Hjorted area of ​​the municipality of Västervik. The work of extinguishment is still ongoing and the staff of the municipality of Kalmar is here to help.

– We have staff and we help and there we found that there were not enough resources, "says Ulf Petersson. Jönköping maintains a continuous dialogue with the MSB on the situation, among which they were in contact with the fires at Västervik

– They ordered a helicopter and were promised a helicopter but they did not receive a helicopter . Ulf Petersson, he says, without prioritizing where they think it is most needed.

All staff are comfortable

Petersson insists on the importance of cooperation between different countries in this kind of situation. Airborne help can be crucial in forest fires – especially when domestic staff are working on multiple fronts at the same time.

– All staff working in emergency services are well off. You almost walk and wait and in every alarm that comes, you hope it's not in the woods. We do not want a fire in the woods.

Helicopter and Aircraft Fires

Nerike firefighters have plunged into many small fires, but are investing as many resources as possible to find them early and prevent them from spreading.

– We flew twice a day and also made the decision that a commander gets up every day in a helicopter and faces the area where it is the worst. So we have a good preparation, "says Tobias Frohm, an internal officer of the Nerike Fire Department

. They find a fire that they push with a double force. High availability is a lesson learned from fire in Västmanland four years ago.

– We've never done this before, it's something new for us. We made the decision to spend this money to find the fires before they disappear and eliminate them with a double force: "We are very, very dry. We have probably never been so dry as long as I worked here


The rescue services of Närke, Västmanland, Bergslagen and Karlstad have merged and will send as many resources as possible to fire

– But we have not yet received any investigation, says Tobias Frohm

– They may have felt that we have the same dry situation here too. There were no big fires, but we are kneeling here.

The amount of small fires, however, caused forest fires for the Nerike Fire Department.

– We had as many forest fires as we took snakes and other MSB materials. We do not catch up, we have a lot of snakes in the woods. It would take a few days to lick the wounds and rebuild all the resources.

Here are the forest fires in Sweden 00:39

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