Extruders attacked doctors – threatened with Russian roulette


The doctor worked at his home in Malmö when he suddenly knocked on the door last spring. When he opened, a 33-year-old stranger broke into the apartment.

The man asked 150,000 women for an alleged guilt, writes Sydsvenskan.

The doctor was beaten by the unknown extortionist, several times crushed in his head and hit the ground. When he went to bed, the 33-year-old took a revolver, loaded it and pointed it at the doctor's head and said it was time to play Russian roulette.

The doctor feared to die and promise

– it was pure torture, he said during an interrogation

. In connection with extortion, the 33-year-old man mentioned a 49-year-old woman with whom his doctor had previously had a relationship. Before the violent extortionist leaves the residence, he threatened to kill the doctor when he went to the police.

Facebook: Proof of the woman

But the doctor defied the threat and reported the & 9 39 39 et incident. . The 33-year-old man and the woman were both arrested. Initially, the woman denied any knowledge of the two men or the event. But a technical survey shows that she is a 33-year-old Facebook friend and that she just passed the doctor's address a few days before the assault.

Both are currently being prosecuted in Malmö District Court for attempted extortion. The man is also prosecuted for gross abuse in court cases, serious weapon crimes and drug and doping offenses, writes Sydsvenskan.

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