Fallen dark – you survive


The darkness of autumn is entering Sweden – and in summer the sun is shining in the distance.

The big question now is: how can you heal the fall?

Here are the best tips from the experts.

1. take a walk

Light has a great influence on our feelings. During the middle of the year, about half of Swedes suffer from various disorders such as fatigue, sleep discomfort and a more serious mood. The key is to fill the deposits to make up for the lack of light.

"Being out for half an hour or an hour, preferably before 10 or at least before lunch, is absolutely essential, and then you're looking for a powerful light pulse," says Arne Lowden, Associate Professor at the Stress Research Institute. 39, University of Stockholm.

A walk at lunch time gives the body a signal of the time that it is, he explains.

"The body does not know how much it is.The light you receive at lunch gives the body the signal that" now we are in the middle of the day. "And we then consolidate our daily rhythm.

Photo: Matt Slocum / AP / TT

Try to find the light in the dark, advises the sleep specialist. Stock Photography.

2. go out for lunch

The transition to winter time is very important, says Arne Lowden. The early morning makes the difference.

A dose of daylight makes us more awake, we perform better and, paradoxically, we sleep better in the evening because the body is at the right pace of the day.

"If you go out for lunch and the day is sunny, you will become less sensitive to all the evening light, from computers, mobile phones, reading plates, and so on.

3. Sit down near a window

For those who are not unemployed, it is possible to reconstitute themselves with another light. Sitting near a window is good enough. But just a few meters from the room, the impact of daylight drops considerably. During breaks, employees must be able to sit outside in broad daylight. But it does not work at all.

"If I think you can create special lighting pods, for example in office environments, you should be able to have special locations for which you have an extra light that is therapeutic." says Lowden.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

Sleep research shows that good summers, like the one we received this year, make it easy to fall. Stock Photography.

4. turn on the lights

At home, it is good to start the day in the morning by turning on all lights and getting plenty of light during breakfast. Preferably, as much light as possible. And then, if possible, dim the light further in the evening when sleeping.

5. eat fish

This year's Beef Week may be a little easier than usual because the hot summer record has its benefits.

"A good summer reduces the proportion of medical care for depression in the fall There are health benefits for this summer, we have been able to produce more vitamin D than usual and our vitamin deposits D must therefore be well stocked, "said Lowden.

Studies show however that vitamin D inserts are not enough until spring. Then he is supposed to replenish himself with additional vitamins.

– Either you can eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as oily fish, such as herring, mackerel and salmon. The bigger the fish, the better. Or you can get a supplement during the winter months. Absolutely not in the summer, so you go to the sun, says Johan Malm, professor and chief doctor in clinical chemistry at the University of Lund.

Powernaps – so it works 0:30

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