Fashionable Swedish wines will knock out Amaronevinet


What was once a hobby for hobbyists is becoming a business production.

In Sweden there are now 35 companies specializing in commercial viticulture. Twenty are considered economic in culture

In Sweden, many customers have already looked at Swedish wine

These are dry wines with high acidity, light white wines and sparkling wines. Even rosé wines are on the wallpaper. In many cases, the alcohol content is slightly lower than that of traditional wines.

– Many wine consumers have got tired of heavy Italian Amarone wines. This is a trend we are noticing, says Lotta Nordmark.

Many curious

Everything goes with the vego trend, where more and more people are choosing meat for vegetarian options.

One proof is that the International Wine Conference was held for two days – at the SLU Alnarp and at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Biology of the University of Copenhagen [19659009] Claes Olsson is a partner of Österlenvin in Löderup. 19659011] Photo: Thorsten Persson

Among the guests at VitiNord 2018 are participants from nine countries. Persistent scientists, advisers and producers are working in the growing wine regions with a colder climate.

The annual conference is held in Sweden as a prestigious victory for Swedish industry.

that about 50 Swedish farmers participate. But there are also representatives of countries such as the United States, Canada, Tasmania, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, as well as established countries like France, Italy and Italy. Spain, says Lotta Nordmark.

She is currently a university professor in the Department of Biosystems and Technology of SLU Alnarp – but over the years she has followed the tremendous stage of the Swedish wine industry

– Today's # Around 100 hectares of vines are planted in Sweden. According to Lotta Nordmark, the cultivation area is expected to double in just a few years

This season expects Swedish winegrowers a record year – thanks to the long and intense heat.

The Österlenvin company counts 2,500 vines and expect to harvest in September or October.

Photo: Thorsten Persson

– It was said earlier that it is not possible to grow wine in Sweden. But in recent seasons, it's absolutely wrong. According to Lotta Nordmark, Sweden is on the verge of imposing itself as a wine country.

According to her, winemakers have learned over the years to refine production and develop flavors

. at least 20,000 vines to live on.

– Otherwise, there is not much to think about. The stocks are essentially free of irrigation. Grape varieties have also evolved and require less pesticide treatment

The variety used mainly in Sweden is the German variety Solaris.

– It can be terrible to say that, but in this case, climate change speaks to win vineyards.

Many foreign experts shout to Sweden for clean air and fresh soil

Requires farm sales

– I am fully convinced that we will see much more Lotta Nordmark

All wine sales are made today via Systembolaget. At the same time, winegrowers are still struggling with an unequal struggle for agricultural sales.

– In terms of agricultural sales, we have to get there, says Lotta Nordmark.

Claes Olsson, Österlenvin's partner at Löderup, says:

– Before the 2010 elections, Agriculture Minister Eskil Erlandsson stood on our vineyard and diligently promised that They would start farm sales when they won the elections.

He and his colleague Thorsten Persson were enthusiastic and started their vineyard in 2002. The company won the only reward after another for its white wines and rosé wines.

– But we can still do not live on that. The income is too small, he says.

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