Fatigue affects the most at work – News


According to a study by the Swedish Authority for the Work Environment, 1.4 million of the five million people employed have had work-related problems over the past year.

The most commonly cited reasons are high workload and stressful workouts or sedentary seating.

The discomfort usually occurs in predominantly female occupations such as care, care and education, and there are more women than men in general who have health related problems at work.

Common fatigue

Fatigue, pain and pain are the most common problems. Seven out of ten people who experience problems experience fatigue because of their work.

Fatigue stands out. This is the most common symptom in most industries, says Ann Ponton Klevestedt, head of statistics and unit analysis at the Work Environment Authority.

According to Göran Kecklund, a professor at the Institute for Stress Research at Stockholm University, lack of recovery and workload are not accompanied by adequate rest.

Stressful lifestyle

A group that stands out is employed between 30 and 49 years old. Göran Kecklund believes that lifestyle or living conditions are linked to the fact that you want to invest in work while focusing on family life. The result is alarming, he thinks.

This allows you to find yourself in a situation of stress for the level. If it lasts a long time, it can lead to stress, embarrassment and long sick leave, "says Göran Kecklund.

This does not correspond to our goal: a long-term and sustainable professional life.

The study also shows that stress-related disorders such as anxiety, anxiety, depression, concentration and memory problems as well as sleep disorders are the most common in this group .

Of all employees, one in three are absent from work due to work-related inconvenience during the past year.

Lack of systematic

Erna Zelmin-Ekenhem, managing director of the Swedish Authority for the Work Environment, believes that the results of the survey mainly confirm an image already in place.

You can see as a bell clock that there are things you need to work on, whether it's physical problems or psychosocial issues, she says.

At the same time, she thinks most employers are really trying to solve health and safety issues. But the way this happens must be changed.

About half of employers do not have adequate systems in their work environment, says Erna Zelmin-Ekenhem.

Need help

The report of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is consistent with the image of the union, IF Metall, which has problems. In a separate report, published in October, shortcomings in the physical work environment were mentioned, but also a growing problem in the psychosocial environment among union members.

It's done a lot, but obviously not enough. Large companies often have this issue on the agenda, but SMEs may not know how to systematically address this issue, "said Marie Nilsson, Chair of the Board of Directors. IF Metall.

She does not think that companies do not care, but it's all about companies that have their business in their own right and need support to get started.

It is more ignorant than not thinking about it before it is too late. It takes a while to see a pattern, "says Marie Nilsson.

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