Fewer applicants lead to faster asylum decisions


The reception of refugees is a hard dung. At the same time, an accelerated procedure for asylum decisions is being created. Half of the applicants will receive an asylum decision within 30 days

"The passive waiting is the worst departure in Sweden," says Martin Olauzon, refugee investigator, who pronounced Sunday at Almedalen decisions on asylum during a seminar at the Swedish Migration Board. ] KARL MELANDER

It appeared when the Migration Council of Almedalen organized a seminar on the change of reception when the candidates are fewer. This year, 23,000 people should apply for asylum in Sweden

– We have been in extraordinary circumstances. According to the head of the Migration Council, Mikael Ribbenvik, the time has come to catch our breath

The Asyl 360 pilot project will start in September in Gothenburg. At least half of asylum seekers will receive a decision within a month. The others can wait from three to four months

The trial forms the basis of the arrival center that Migrationsverket will create next year to replace the ebo housing that asylum seekers have arranged through them and who have often engendered social misery

. structural reforms are needed at the reception. We need structures that allow for faster decisions and faster integration, "said Employment Minister Ylva Johansson (S).

The Migration Board will recover a large number of private homes and will return to old areas of installation. In an arrival center, a candidate receives quick contacts with government officials, health professionals and school directors.

– Passive waiting is the worst departure in Sweden, says refugee investigator Martin Olauzon

Anders Knape (M), Vice President of Municipalities and County Councils of Sweden belong to the municipal politicians who welcome the reforms. He hopes that municipalities will be replaced more quickly for hosting refugees

– It takes robust systems that build trust between the state and the municipality, Knape says.

The Migration Board wants municipalities to be no longer surprised. In the fall of 2015, it was possible to open a large refugee center in a small municipality with three days notice. The leaders of the municipality did not know that 150 children were going to start school on Monday

– So cooperation between the state and the municipality failed, says Mikael Ribbenvik, who points out that a new organization can hardly predict a new 2015.

– We Can not Build Systems Based on Extraordinary Situations. It costs twenty billion a year. We have to go out of standard mode.

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