Fiasco for a major investment – Norrköping


There has been mostly sun and giant warming since the big Marvel exhibition opened on June 1st of this year.

According to Magnus Nilsson, the big problem was getting people off the beach or in the summer

– There is always a mix of reasons for the low number of visitors, but the The most important reason this year is to be sure of the heat. It's never been like this summer before – it's not even been a Swedish summer, but a Mediterranean summer, causing such indoor exposures to deplete it. " , explains Magnus Nilsson

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Visitors to the Marvel show were so excited. "It is relatively hot in the exhibition," says Magnus Nilsson in Upplev Norrköping

According to him, the visitors who have been there have been satisfied and for the moment they have no specific plans on the way to get more visitors. We are rolling according to plans, hoping for more normal temperatures and people wanting to do something else, in the end you are tired of going to the beach, he says.

The August finale will end the exhibition, but Magnus Nilsson is optimistic.

– We made it hard and heavy, but we hope a very good ending. We all have the month of August, I hope we will have good weather and want to do some activity before the start of classes.

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