Finally, Sweden asks for the help of NATO leaders


. At lunchtime on Thursday, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven held a press conference for a strong message aimed at highlighting the seriousness of the ongoing fires.

It's time to exercise the power of the state. This is not first a visit to the chimneys with suspected hand shirts expected by a prime minister, without concrete measures, decisions that only a government can make. When an event goes beyond the preparations, the ministers must be quick, at least as long as the government has the responsibility to accept the request for foreign aid.

The central message of the Prime Minister is that the authorities now have the mandate to seek help from countries such as part of the "Partnership for Peace". This is an interesting wording – because in the term, it is formally included in Russia. And the issue of Russian fireplanes was something Justice Minister Morgan Johansson was opposed to at the press conference, but now it is obviously free for MSB to get help from there.

Natophobin rotation in social democracy. It is more viable to approach a concept that sounds good (although the constellation of Partnership for Peace is largely neglected due to the invasion of Crimea by Russia) than to say " NATO and the partner countries. " [19659003MaintenantviennentlesplansdelaTurquieetdel'Ukraine-unreçuquelaSuèdeveutvraimenttirerpartidetoutelacoopérationinternationalepasmoinsimportantmaintenantquedesincendiesférocesontfrappélaGrèceQuandilbrûledansdenombreuxendroitsenEuropeilestimportantquetouslespaysaidentdemanièrestructuréeLemécanismecivildepréparationauxcrisesdel'UEabienfonctionnéettoutlemondedoitaiderlespaysdel'NATO

The debate on the Swedish material preparation has been intense – both countries have suffered the same time that Sweden needs its own firearms. This is not certain. Sweden needs access to firefighters with the countries we work with. Maybe there is a common EU strength, not just an EU coordination – but that does not mean that Sweden should have its own fire plan of forest. These are aircraft that have limited use in general.

However, it is almost outrageous that the Swedish helicopter fleet is so poorly prepared for fires. Helicopters can be used for a long series of community missions, but fires do not seem to have been a priority.

Even Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson's candidate held a press conference on Thursday. On Facebook, it was categorized as follows: "The moderators provide Swedish farmers with unique help in the event of a drought crisis."

It's a strange way to express it. Moderators are not familiar with power and can not help farmers with government money. Unfortunately, opposition parties of different colors used expressions like "we bet," "we invest," and so on. This does not allow us to say what they would like to invest in when they were in power

. When the main opposition party addresses farmers urgently, saying "we present a crisis package", it is almost cynical, especially when it says that it will help in a liquidity crisis acute. Those who listened to the press conference were informed that this is what moderates want to do in the autumn change budget, ie a decision taken in November by the parliament

. Here we want to do if we win the elections; The government already has the opportunity to do that.

On Thursday, Dagens Nyheter reported remarkable contingency deficiencies at the Swedish Emergency and Civil Protection Agency, MSB. The article shows that desperate internal calls were emailed to cancel vacations and that internal reporting staff were alerted to staffing shortages.

There was an exceptional crisis in the summer, but MSB, of all authorities, must be asked to have a staffing plan that will also work in the summer. In addition to having effective procedures for managing vacant staff.

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